Hunting in Russia

In October 2015 Issue of Russian Hunting Magazine.

Each issue of Russian Hunting Magazine contains condensed English translations of selected articles. This month Mikhail Kretchmar takes on the “Chukotka subspecies” of mountain sheep. The sheep hunters who boast of this trophy might not like it when they learn that a) the research that supported identification of this subspecies has been refuted; b) what is supposed to be “Chukotka sheep” is listed as endangered; c) the rams that outfitters sell as “Chukotka ram” actually belong to another subspecies that is not considered endangered. In the other story Maksim Levitin describes a new region for trophy hunting in Kazakhstan, which can offer a slam of 5 trophies – bear, ibex, moose, maral and roe deer – in one hunt. A great new opportunity for trophy hunting – be the first who collected “The Grand Slam of Kazakhstan” in one go!

RHM today 15-10a

RHM today 15-10b

Russian Hunting Shotguns

“Something old and something new” – the Russich series of MP27 and MP155.

For decades the Russian gunmakers have been asking their consumers: “What do you want from a new model?” And for years Russian hunters replied: “We don’t need no new models, we want you to learn how to make the old ones better! Don’t worry, we’re ready to pay a bit extra” “All right” – said the gunmakers and… came up with another “new and improved” gun, which was cheaper to make, cheaper to handle, and cheaper to look at.

Introducing the “Russich” series of guns, which promises to change this. (“Russich” is an archaic way to say “a Russian”, literally it means “a descendant of the Rus”)

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